How to Pot an Olive Tree

How to Pot an Olive Tree: 

If you're an olive tree enthusiast, daydreaming about Greek summers, or simply looking to add some Mediterranean charm to your garden, learning how to pot an olive tree is essential. Olive trees are versatile and can thrive in large pots, small pots, or garden planters. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Why Pot an Olive Tree?

Olive trees are not just beautiful; they're also hardy and can adapt well to different environments. Potting an olive tree allows you to move it around to catch the best sunlight and protect it from harsh weather. Whether you have a sprawling garden or a cosy balcony, there's a perfect spot for your olive tree.

Choosing the Right Pot

When selecting a pot, consider the following:

- Size Matters: For a young olive tree, start with a small pot, around 30-40cm in diameter. As it grows, you can repot it into a larger pot or garden planter. Large pots, about 60-80cm in diameter, are ideal for mature trees.
- Material: Our faux Terracotta pots are popular for their Mediterranean aesthetic, durability and these pots are lighter and retain moisture, which can allow for longer periods between watering and offer some protection from the large swings in temperature that we experience in the UK.
- Drainage: Ensure your pot has good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can harm the tree's roots.

How to Pot an Olive Tree

1. Prepare the Pot: Place a layer of gravel or broken pottery at the bottom of the pot to enhance drainage. Then, add a mix of good quality potting compost and sand. Olive trees prefer well-draining soil.

2. Position the Tree: Carefully remove the olive tree from its current container. Gently loosen the roots, especially if they're tightly bound. Place the tree in the centre of the pot, ensuring it's at the same depth as it was previously planted.

3. Fill the Pot: Add more compost around the tree, pressing it down lightly to eliminate air pockets. Water the tree thoroughly after potting to help settle the soil.

4. Top dress with decorative stones to prevent weeds and to stop soil/compost drying too quickly.

How to Repot an Olive Tree

Repotting an olive tree is essential as it grows, usually every 2-3 years. Follow these steps to repot your tree:

1. Select a New Pot: Choose a pot that's one size larger than the current one. This gives the roots more space to expand.

2. Remove the Tree: Carefully take the tree out of its old pot. If it's stuck, gently tap the sides or run a knife around the edge to loosen it.

3. Trim the Roots: Check the roots and trim any that are damaged or excessively long. This encourages new growth.

4. Replant: Follow the same steps as when you first potted the tree. Ensure it's well-watered and stable in its new pot.

Caring for Your Potted Olive Tree

- Watering: Olive trees are drought-tolerant but need regular watering, especially when young. Let the topsoil dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.
- Feeding: Use a balanced fertiliser such as Olive Focus during the growing season to promote healthy growth. In the UK, this is typically from spring to early autumn. 
- Sunlight: Place your olive tree in a sunny spot. They need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Final Tips

- Winter Care: In colder climates, protect your potted olive tree from frost. Move it to a sheltered spot or wrap the pot with insulation and the tree with a frost blanket such a Haxnicks easy fleece jacket.
- Pruning: Regularly prune your tree to maintain its shape and encourage fruit production. Remove any dead or crossing branches. To check if a branch is dead if it is brittle, snaps, and is brown inside the branch is dead and requires cutting back. If the branch is flexible and green inside the branch is alive and well and will produce leaves and small additional branches.

Potted olive trees bring a small piece of the Mediterranean to your home. Whether you're using large pots, small pots, or garden planters, the key is to ensure good drainage, proper soil, and plenty of sunlight.

By following these steps, you'll know exactly how to pot an olive tree and how to repot an olive tree when the time comes. Enjoy the beauty and benefits of your potted olive tree, and watch it thrive in your garden!